
Mary Lake

ep - NOUS023 - Released on 25 June 2021
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Crisp, freshly distorted & pulsating techno trips; we proudly presents Mary Lake’s debut EP Askim. The rising dj/producer from Amsterdam steps up with three brilliant uptempo techno rollers and a blissful ambient excursion as epilogue. Four tracks that perfectly reflect her infectious enthusiasm and energy.

About Mary Lake

Mary Lake: a son­ic adven­tur­er. With an inter­na­tion­al upbring­ing in Alge­ria, France and The Nether­lands, she seeks a voice through her music, trans­lat­ing inner dynam­ics in both club and explorato­ry settings.

As a DJ, Mary Lake serves up unortho­dox tech­no that defies con­ven­tion. Her sets are an irre­sistible invi­ta­tion to dance that echoes in both the under­ground haunts of De School and the revered tech­no tem­ples of Bassiani, Tre­sor and Berghain.

A famil­iar face in the Ams­ter­dam scene, she holds res­i­den­cy at Spiel­raum. Her live sets, such as at Dek­man­tel Fes­ti­val and Pos­i­tive Edu­ca­tion are hyp­not­ic yet brim­ming with an infec­tious ener­gy that keeps the audi­ence on the edge of their senses.

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